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Milk LogoMilk Infrastructure

AI Powered
Infinite Infrastructure

Milk infrastructure uses AI to automatically deploy, manage, and scale production-grade kubernetes on any cloud. No human devops required.
Milk infra hero diagram

Brutally simple

Developers can deploy with Milk without any devops/infrastructure experience

Dirt cheap

No more overpaying for cloud resources, Milk scales everything dynamically

Any cloud

Milk works with any cloud provider, or on-premises

Production grade

Milk creates production grade, secure, compliant kubernetes clusters

How does this work?

Connect your github to Milk and choose whether you're deploying a repo as a service, cron-job, or worker. Milk will create a Kubernetes cluster with the absolute minimum resources required to run your service and scale everything dynamically.

Infrastructure as Code

We don't like to re-invent the wheel. Our AI systems create and manage clusters by writing infrastructure as code and uses our built in CI/CD to deploy your latest commits automatically.

Samuel Yoon

CTO - Stealth Startup

“Milk helps us manage and deploy kubernetes in production without hiring any devops engineers. It's easier than Render or Heroku and much cheaper.”

Seamless Developer Experience

Our goal is to completely abstract infrastructure from your developers at the cost of a cup-of-coffee a week. Milk provides engineers FAANG caliber developer experiences on day 0. Milk has built in CI/CD, one-click production clones, and seamless localhost testing.

    built-in CI/CDautoscalingkubernetes as codeany cloudany languageSOC2 compliantproduction grademinimal costszero-friction

Adjust the sliders to see your estimated monthly cost

Number of Clusters

1 @ $50 per cluster

Number of Services Deployed

1 @ $5 per service

Estimated Cost

